
Center for Microsystems and Materials, Berlin Adlershof:Topping-out ceremony on 8th March 2010

The new Center for Microsystems and Materials includes laboratory and office space as well as a hall with clean room conditions for the establishment and expansion of small to mid-sized businesses. It offers space for research and development.

The topping-out ceremony on 8th March 2010 represented a further important milestone in the development of Adlershof as a center of scientific activity. Here in Berlin Ad­lers­hof, one of the most successful scientific and economic development projects in reunited Germany after 1989, we also planned the first building for the German Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM).

The new Center for Microsystems and Materials includes laboratory and office space as well as a hall with clean room conditions for the establishment and expansion of small to mid-sized businesses. It offers space for research and development.

The topping-out ceremony on 8th March 2010 represented a further important milestone in the development of Adlershof as a center of scientific activity. Here in Berlin Ad­lers­hof, one of the most successful scientific and economic development projects in reunited Germany after 1989, we also planned the first building for the German Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM).

Our services in this project consisted of the structural design and the production of the building physics calculations.

Despite the tight schedules during the concept and authorization phases, as well as during the construction phase which was accompanied by further planning work, our planning fulfilled all the requirements during planning and construction. This was made possible by the commitment and dedication of all the staff in the planning team (among others, Mr. Bertram in Berlin, Mr. Sievers in Erfurt and Mr. Merkel in Dres­den).