Ministerial delegation visits the site accompanied by KREBS+KIEFER

KREBS+KIEFER accompanies ministerial delegations to Algeria

Dr. Nils Schmid, Deputy President and Minister for Finance and Economic Affairs of the State of Baden-Würt­tem­berg, visited Algiers from 3rd to 6th February 2013. Together with a delegation from the public and private sectors, he was welcomed by ministers of state and visited German companies who are active in Algeria.

Dr. Nils Schmid, Deputy President and Minister for Finance and Economic Affairs of the State of Baden-Würt­tem­berg, visited Algiers from 3rd to 6th February 2013. Together with a delegation from the public and private sectors, he was welcomed by ministers of state and visited German companies who are active in Algeria.

As part of this program, the minister and the delegation visited the construction site of the Great Mosque in Algiers, where KREBS+KIEFER is responsible for technical leadership, planning and construction supervision. The Managing Director responsible, Mr. Eric Fischer, was a member of the delegation and provided explanations during the guided tour.

Naturally, he mentioned the structural design as one of the most significant challenges in view of demanding and specific requirements for earthquake safety „Made in Baden-Württemberg“. The dimensions of the project and these technical requirements aroused great interest among all the participants. The Minister was impressed by the project and gratified by the amount of technical know-how that is already being transferred to Algeria from his home state.

On 13th February, Dr. Philipp Rösler, Federal Minister of Economics and Technology, visited Algeria with a high-level economic delegation. On this occasion too, KREBS+KIEFER’s activities and experience in Algeria were presented and aroused great interest. The Managing Director of our Algerian subsidiary „EURL KREBS+KIEFER Algérie“, Mr. Malek Ouaret, who is also a member of the committee of the German-Algerian chamber of commerce and industry, presented the planning projects already completed by KREBS+KIEFER in Algeria.

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