KREBS+KIEFER celebrates its 20th Anniversary in Freiburg
The most southern location of KREBS+KIEFER in Germany was founded in Freiburg in 1998. Reason enough for an information gathering visit and a festive meeting on site.
The most southern location of KREBS+KIEFER in Germany was founded in Freiburg in 1998. Reason enough for an information gathering visit and a festive meeting on site.
The location has kept busy with railway projects all around the new Karlsruhe Basel line and other infrastructure projects in the Freiburg area, offering services in consulting, planning and implementation supervision; the greatly engaged location has developed into a firmly integrated component of the construction scene in southwest Germany over the last two decades. This is how extraordinary projects were created with the participation of KREBS+KIEFER; projects like the Bahnhofszeile [railway station line] Freiburg (Planetarium) for instance, Tunnel Groß Ehrstädt and Herschaftsbuck tunnel (both on A98), Dreiländerbrücke [three countries bridge] in Weil /Rhine, tram line connection Basel-Weil / Rhine, transfer station of the “Rollende Landstraße“ [rolling highway] (RoLa) Freiburg, Hauptfeuerwache [main fire station] Freiburg, Dienstleistungszentrum [service center] Freiburg as well as the Fraunhofer Institut für Physikalische Messtechnik [physical measuring technology] (IPM).
Currently the KREBS+KIEFER team is working on the renovation of the Stühlinger bridge, spanning the main railway station as well as the new construction of the soccer stadium for the Freiburg SC.
Colleagues that travelled from the southern KREBS+KIEFER locations in Karlsruhe, Stuttgart, Mannheim and Munich to attend the anniversary celebrations were first welcomed into the newly renovated rooms at 125 Habsburg Street. During the following guided tour of the Münsterbauhütte [preservation organization for the Freiburg Minster/cathedral] around the Freiburg landmark, interesting construction engineering findings specific to historical buildings and monuments and contemporary renovation approaches could be gained.
The concluding social get-together with specialties from the region was the perfect opportunity to toast to the anniversary and to deepen the networking among colleagues.