KREBS+KIEFER celebrates the fifth anniversary of the opening of its Mainz office
With its open day on 7 July 2016, the Mainz office on Ludwigsstraße celebrated its fifth birthday.
A large number of guests responded to our invite - our customers and planning partners, who all made a significant contribution to the development of this branch alongside with the office staff to whom we wanted to extend our special thanks on this day.
Each presentation was well received.
With its open day on 7 July 2016, the Mainz office on Ludwigsstraße celebrated its fifth birthday.
A large number of guests responded to our invite - our customers and planning partners, who all made a significant contribution to the development of this branch alongside with the office staff to whom we wanted to extend our special thanks on this day.
Each presentation was well received.
Mr Torsten Brüggemann from KREBS+KIEFER started off with the topic of “Restoration of Mainz historical landmarks”. As our second presenter we were proud to introduce Mr Bernd Winkler from the Office for Rhineland-Palatinate Mobility to report on the condition of the bridges in our province.
Professor Ulrich Dietmann from our company concluded the morning events with the report “Fire safety-light in the accommodation for refugees?”
During the afternoon session, the following reports were offered by our company: Dr. Georg Geldmacher reported on “The scaffolding in the historical building restoration”, followed by Mr Fischer who brought us up to date with the mosque in Algiers and Mr Steiger concluding with an interesting report about the underwater excavations at the depth of 25 m in Colon.
Apart from the presentations and interesting discussions, the guests could also see our premises, watch our 50th anniversary video as well as view a selection of Rhineland-Palatinate projects.
Naturally, our guests were provided with sustenance, and as a farewell gift they received a small pine tree with a piece of card with instructions on how to fold a little paper crab.
In 2010 our company, now represented by 15 branches all over Germany, made a decision to move its Rhineland-Palatinate office from Koblenz to Mainz, the province capital. Following some building work, the branch was open in 2011 with a small team.
Currently there are 22 full- and part-time members of staff working at our Mainz office, not including the management.
Our aim is to continue to grow, and we are proud that within such a relatively short time we created a number of new jobs.
The management team (Susan Herrmann, Heike Kiefer-Eisenträger and Heinz Steiger) are extremely grateful for the commitment of all involved, including the construction staff, employees, customers and planning partners.
From now on, Dr. Lindlar shall support us a registered inspector for solid construction in Rhineland-Palatinate.
We wish our Mainz office many more years of successful operation.