Ground-breaking by Peter Ramsauer and Michael Müller

Ground-breaking ceremony for 16th section of Berlin city motorway A 100

With the ground-breaking ceremony on 8th May 2013 performed by Federal Minister of Transport Pe­ter Rams­auer (CSU) and Berlin’s senator for transport Mi­cha­el Mül­ler (SPD), work has officially begun at Grenzallee junction on the extension of the Berlin city motorway.

With the ground-breaking ceremony on 8th May 2013 performed by Federal Minister of Transport Pe­ter Rams­auer (CSU) and Berlin’s senator for transport Mi­cha­el Mül­ler (SPD), work has officially begun at Grenzallee junction on the extension of the Berlin city motorway.

This section of the A 100 motorway is 3,2 km long. It is expected to cost more than 470 million Euros and to be finished around 2021/22.

After a welcoming speech by the head of civil engineering at the senate office for urban development and the environment, Mr. Lutz Adam, Federal Minister of Transport Peter Ramsauer (CSU) spoke: „We are sending out a signal that even in a city like Berlin, it is essential to improve and extend transport infrastructure". He emphasized: „There is no alternative to concentrating traffic” if the burden on residential areas is to be reduced.

Berlin’s senator for transport Michael Müller pointed out the improved traffic conditions and the reduced overall burden on the population due to motorized traffic. This creates the preconditions for better quality of life and for better economic development in important areas of the city. He thanked all those involved in the project, both in administrative roles and in the planning consultancies, for their commitment.

KREBS+KIEFER was responsible for project management in the planning, authorization and construction phases.

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